Ek Nazar

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Heart touching Hindi -English story

Heart touching story -

पढ़ाई पूरी करने के बाद एक छात्र किसी बड़ी कंपनी में नौकरी पाने की चाह में इंटरव्यू देने के लिए पहुंचा....

छात्र ने बड़ी आसानी से पहला इंटरव्यू पास कर लिया...

अब फाइनल इंटरव्यू

कंपनी के डायरेक्टर को लेना था...

और डायरेक्टर को ही तय

करना था कि उस छात्र को नौकरी पर रखा जाए या नहीं...

डायरेक्टर ने छात्र का सीवी (curricular vitae)  देखा और पाया  कि पढ़ाई के साथ- साथ यह  छात्र ईसी (extra curricular activities)  में भी हमेशा अव्वल रहा...

डायरेक्टर- "क्या तुम्हें  पढ़ाई के दौरान

कभी छात्रवृत्ति (scholarship)  मिली...?"

छात्र- "जी नहीं..."

डायरेक्टर- "इसका मतलब स्कूल-कॉलेज  की फीस तुम्हारे पिता अदा करते थे.."

छात्र- "जी हाँ , श्रीमान ।"

डायरेक्टर- "तुम्हारे पिताजी  क्या काम  करते  है?"

छात्र- "जी वो लोगों के कपड़े धोते हैं..."

यह सुनकर कंपनी के डायरेक्टर ने कहा- "ज़रा अपने हाथ तो दिखाना..."

छात्र के हाथ रेशम की तरह मुलायम और नाज़ुक थे...

डायरेक्टर- "क्या तुमने कभी  कपड़े धोने में अपने  पिताजी की मदद की...?"

छात्र- "जी नहीं, मेरे  पिता हमेशा यही चाहते थे 

कि मैं पढ़ाई  करूं और ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा किताबें

हां , एक बात और, मेरे पिता बड़ी तेजी  से कपड़े धोते हैं..."

डायरेक्टर- "क्या मैं तुम्हें  एक काम कह सकता हूं...?"

छात्र- "जी, आदेश कीजिए..."

डायरेक्टर- "आज घर वापस जाने के बाद अपने पिताजी के हाथ धोना...

फिर कल सुबह मुझसे आकर मिलना..."

छात्र यह सुनकर प्रसन्न हो गया...

उसे लगा कि अब नौकरी  मिलना तो पक्का है,

तभी तो  डायरेक्टर ने कल फिर बुलाया है...

छात्र ने घर आकर खुशी-खुशी अपने पिता को ये सारी बातें बताईं और अपने हाथ दिखाने को कहा...

पिता को थोड़ी हैरानी हुई...

लेकिन फिर भी उसने बेटे   
की इच्छा का मान करते हुए अपने दोनों हाथ उसके
हाथों में दे दिए...

छात्र ने पिता के हाथों को धीरे-धीरे धोना शुरू किया। कुछ देर में ही हाथ धोने के साथ ही उसकी आंखों से आंसू भी झर-झर बहने लगे...

पिता के हाथ रेगमाल (emery paper) की तरह सख्त और जगह-जगह से कटे हुए थे...

यहां तक कि जब भी वह  कटे के निशानों पर  पानी डालता, चुभन का अहसास

पिता के चेहरे पर साफ़ झलक जाता था...।

छात्र को ज़िंदगी में पहली बार एहसास हुआ कि ये

वही हाथ हैं जो रोज़ लोगों के कपड़े धो-धोकर उसके
लिए अच्छे खाने, कपड़ों और स्कूल की फीस का इंतज़ाम करते थे...

पिता के हाथ का हर छाला सबूत था उसके एकेडैमिक कैरियर की एक-एक

कामयाबी का...

पिता के हाथ धोने के बाद छात्र को पता ही नहीं चला कि उसने  उस दिन के बचे हुए सारे कपड़े भी एक-एक कर धो डाले...

उसके पिता रोकते ही रह गए , लेकिन छात्र अपनी धुन में कपड़े धोता चला गया...

उस रात बाप- बेटे ने काफ़ी देर तक बातें कीं ...

अगली सुबह छात्र फिर नौकरी  के लिए कंपनी के  डायरेक्टर के ऑफिस में था...

डायरेक्टर का सामना करते हुए छात्र की आंखें गीली थीं...

डायरेक्टर- "हूं , तो फिर कैसा रहा कल घर पर ?

क्या तुम अपना अनुभव मेरे साथ शेयर करना पसंद करोगे....?"

छात्र- " जी हाँ , श्रीमान कल मैंने जिंदगी का एक वास्तविक अनुभव सीखा...

नंबर एक... मैंने सीखा कि सराहना क्या होती है...

मेरे पिता न होते तो मैं पढ़ाई में इतनी आगे नहीं आ सकता था...

नंबर दो... पिता की मदद करने से मुझे पता चला कि किसी काम को करना कितना सख्त और मुश्किल होता है...

नंबर तीन.. . मैंने रिश्तों की अहमियत पहली बार

इतनी शिद्दत के साथ महसूस की..."

डायरेक्टर- "यही सब है जो मैं अपने मैनेजर में देखना चाहता हूं...

मैं यह नौकरी केवल उसे  देना चाहता हूं जो दूसरों की मदद की कद्र करे,

ऐसा व्यक्ति जो काम किए जाने के दौरान दूसरों की तकलीफ भी महसूस करे...

ऐसा शख्स जिसने

सिर्फ पैसे को ही जीवन का ध्येय न बना रखा हो...

मुबारक हो, तुम इस नौकरी  के पूरे हक़दार हो..."

आप अपने बच्चों को बड़ा मकान दें, बढ़िया खाना दें,

बड़ा टीवी, मोबाइल, कंप्यूटर सब कुछ दें...

लेकिन साथ ही  अपने बच्चों को यह अनुभव भी हासिल करने दें कि उन्हें पता चले कि घास काटते हुए कैसा लगता है ?

उन्हें  भी अपने हाथों से ये  काम करने दें...

खाने के बाद कभी बर्तनों को धोने का अनुभव भी अपने साथ घर के सब बच्चों को मिलकर करने दें...

ऐसा इसलिए

नहीं कि आप मेड पर पैसा खर्च नहीं कर सकते,
बल्कि इसलिए कि आप अपने बच्चों से सही प्यार करते हैं...

आप उन्हें समझाते हैं कि पिता कितने भी अमीर

क्यों न हो, एक दिन उनके बाल सफेद होने ही हैं...

सबसे अहम हैं आप के बच्चे  किसी काम को करने

की कोशिश की कद्र करना सीखें...

एक दूसरे का हाथ

बंटाते हुए काम करने का जज्ब़ा अपने अंदर 

यही है सबसे बड़ी सीख..............

 उक्त कहानी यदि पसंद आई हो तो अपने परिवार में सुनाएँ और अपने बच्चों को सर्वोच्च शिक्षा प्रदान कराये

आँखे बन्द करके जो प्रेम करे वो 'प्रेमिका' है।

आँखे खोल के जो प्रेम करे वो 'दोस्त' है।
आँखे दिखाके जो प्रेम करे वो 'पत्नी' है।
अपनी आँखे बंद होने तक जो प्रेम करे वो 'माँ' है।
परन्तु आँखों में प्रेम न जताते हुये भी जो प्रेम करे वो 'पिता' है।
 दिल से पढ़ो और ग़ौर करो।

                                          IN ENGLISH -

After graduating a student get a job in a large company seeking to interview arrived ....Students also easily passed the first interview ...Final interviewThe company's director had to ...And the director decideHad to whether or not the student was hired ...Director of Student CV as well as studies and found that the student EC  also topped always ...Dayrector- "you while studyingSocial Scholarship was ...? "Student-"No ..."Dayrector- "This used to pay school and college fees, your father .."Student-"Yes, sir."Dayrector- "What is your father?"Student-live "they wash people's clothes ..."Hearing this, the company's director, said: "Just show your hands ..."The student's hands were delicate and soft as silk ...Dayrector- "Did you ever ... to help my father in the laundry?"Student-"No, my father always wantedAnd more and more books that I should studyRead a ...Yes, one more thing, my father quickly wash clothes ... "Dayrector- "What I can tell you one thing ...?"Student-live ", please order ..."Dayrector- "go back home today after losing my dad ...Then come and meet me tomorrow morning ... "Students were pleased to hear that ...She felt that now so firmly get the job,Only then is the director called again tomorrow ...Students happily returned home to his father asked him to show his hands and told all these things ...Father was surprised ...But even he sonWhile the value of the will of his own two handsPlaced in the hands ...Students began to wash his father's hands slowly. With the scrub in a while Zar-Zar tears started flowing from his eyes ...Father's hand emery paper was severed from place to place like a strict and ...Even when he puts the cut marks on the water, feel the prickFather's face was clear glimpse ....For the first time realized that the studentThe same hands that washed the clothes everyday people-wash herGood food, clothing and school fees were arranged ...Each blister was evidence of the Father's hand one of his career AkedamicSuccess ...Father's hands after washing the student did not realize that he could one day remaining Wash all clothes and put ...Her father stayed pause, but the student washes his clothes and went in tune ...Bap- son talked for a long time that night ...The next morning the student was in the office of director of the company for a job ...There were tears in the eyes of the student director in the face of ...Dayrector- "he said, then how was at home yesterday?Would you like to share your experience with me ....? "Student-"Yes, sir, yesterday I learned a real experience of life ...What is the number one ... I learned to appreciate ...Without my father, I could not study so forth ...Number two ... Father to help work out how I found out that it is hard and difficult ...number three.. . I first importance of relationshipsFelt so strongly ... "Dayrector- "That's all I would like to see my manager ...I want to give him the job, which only help others to appreciate,A person who feels the pain of others during work to ...Person to doShall have the same goal of life is not just money ...Congratulations, you deserve the job to be completed ... "Give your children a big house, nice food, toBig TV, mobile, computer, let everything ...But also to gain experience as well as your children that they know what it feels like cutting the grass?Let them work it with your hands ...Never wash dishes after dinner experience home with you ... Let all the children togetherThatNot that you can not spend money on the Med,But because you love your children right from ...You also explain that many wealthy fatherWhy, one day their hair are white ...Children are the most important for you to do any workTrying to learn to respect ...A second handThe diversion of working within JjbhaBring ...This is the biggest learning .............. If you liked the story of your family and your children the highest education provided SunaaaEyes shut to love it "girlfriend" is.He opened the eyes to love "friends" are.Eyes Dikhake who to love "wife" is.When it closes its eyes to those who love "mom" is.But in the eyes of love, to love even those who are not expressing what the Father is. Read from the heart and do forth.

                           After graduating a student get a job in a large company seeking to interview arrived ....Students also easily passed the first interview ...Final interviewThe company's director had to ...And the director decideHad to whether or not the student was hired ...Director of Student CV as well as studies and found that the student EC  also topped always ...Dayrector- "you while studyingSocial Scholarship was ...? "Student-"No ..."Dayrector- "This used to pay school and college fees, your father .."Student-"Yes, sir."Dayrector- "What is your father?"Student-live "they wash people's clothes ..."Hearing this, the company's director, said: "Just show your hands ..."The student's hands were delicate and soft as silk ...Dayrector- "Did you ever ... to help my father in the laundry?"Student-"No, my father always wantedAnd more and more books that I should studyRead a ...Yes, one more thing, my father quickly wash clothes ... "Dayrector- "What I can tell you one thing ...?"Student-live ", please order ..."Dayrector- "go back home today after losing my dad ...Then come and meet me tomorrow morning ... "Students were pleased to hear that ...She felt that now so firmly get the job,Only then is the director called again tomorrow ...Students happily returned home to his father asked him to show his hands and told all these things ...Father was surprised ...But even he sonWhile the value of the will of his own two handsPlaced in the hands ...Students began to wash his father's hands slowly. With the scrub in a while Zar-Zar tears started flowing from his eyes ...Father's hand emery paper was severed from place to place like a strict and ...Even when he puts the cut marks on the water, feel the prickFather's face was clear glimpse ....For the first time realized that the studentThe same hands that washed the clothes everyday people-wash herGood food, clothing and school fees were arranged ...Each blister was evidence of the Father's hand one of his career AkedamicSuccess ...Father's hands after washing the student did not realize that he could one day remaining Wash all clothes and put ...Her father stayed pause, but the student washes his clothes and went in tune ...Bap- son talked for a long time that night ...The next morning the student was in the office of director of the company for a job ...There were tears in the eyes of the student director in the face of ...Dayrector- "he said, then how was at home yesterday?Would you like to share your experience with me ....? "Student-"Yes, sir, yesterday I learned a real experience of life ...What is the number one ... I learned to appreciate ...Without my father, I could not study so forth ...Number two ... Father to help work out how I found out that it is hard and difficult ...number three.. . I first importance of relationshipsFelt so strongly ... "Dayrector- "That's all I would like to see my manager ...I want to give him the job, which only help others to appreciate,A person who feels the pain of others during work to ...Person to doShall have the same goal of life is not just money ...Congratulations, you deserve the job to be completed ... "Give your children a big house, nice food, toBig TV, mobile, computer, let everything ...But also to gain experience as well as your children that they know what it feels like cutting the grass?Let them work it with your hands ...Never wash dishes after dinner experience home with you ... Let all the children togetherThatNot that you can not spend money on the Med,But because you love your children right from ...You also explain that many wealthy fatherWhy, one day their hair are white ...Children are the most important for you to do any workTrying to learn to respect ...A second handThe diversion of working within JjbhaBring ...This is the biggest learning .............. If you liked the story of your family and your children the highest education provided SunaaaEyes shut to love it "girlfriend" is.He opened the eyes to love "friends" are.Eyes Dikhake who to love "wife" is.When it closes its eyes to those who love "mom" is.But in the eyes of love, to love even those who are not expressing what the Father is. Read from the heart and do forth.


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